Osteopathic care helps your body’s natural potential
Osteopathy is suitable for a wide range of medical conditions, including neck and/or back pain, joint and muscular pain, pregnancy aches and pains; postural problems, arthritis pain, sports injuries…
Osteopathy is based on the principle that the well-being of the human body is linked to the proper alignment and balance of all its musculoskeletal system, with all the parts of the body being interconnected through the tissues that compose it. The body constitutes an inseparable functional unit, so, if tension appears in one part of the body, it may affect the functioning of structures located at a distance through these tissue correlations, and, lead to dysfunction, compensation and eventually pain. If the problem, or dysfunction, is large enough this can contribute to problems such as back pain, headaches, difficulty moving, walking, or many more.
Osteopathic treatment involves combinations of gentle and safe manual therapy techniques, stretching, soft tissue work, structural, cranial, functional and visceral techniques, with the purpose of restoring the body to a state of balance and increasing wellbeing. Osteopathy can be helpful for people of all ages, and in any situation – office or manual workers, pre- and post-natal women, children, retiree and many more. Osteopaths also frequently treat patients from sporting backgrounds, with their thorough knowledge of the human body and of the potential injuries that occur in a sporting environment.

a gentle and Comprehensive approach
Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment
Osteopathy is a holistic system of healthcare. During your first appointment, our osteopath will look at the body “as a whole” and take into account your lifestyle factors with the aim of identifying the underlying causes of the presenting complaint, and not only treat the symptoms. The therapist will ask questions about your problem, your general health, other medical care you are receiving and medication you are taking, and record this as your confidential case history. She will then check your posture and mobility with simple movements, examine the range of motion of the joints, tissues and ligaments, using hands-on techniques and a developed sense of touch called palpation. Because of the body’s structure, the pain or stiffness you are experiencing in one part may be linked to a problem elsewhere.
Our osteopath will then give you a clear explanation of the diagnosis and discuss a treatment plan suitable for you. It is important that you understand and agree what the treatment can achieve, and the likely number of sessions needed for a noticeable improvement in your condition.
During the treatment sessions, the therapist will explain what she is doing and will always ask you for your consent, that is, for your permission to treat you. At any moment you can ask questions if you are unsure of what you have been told or if you have any further concerns. Please note that you can ask a friend or relative to accompany you and be present throughout your treatment should you feel more comfortable about this.
Self-management advice and support, and/or exercises can also be provided to aid recovery, to promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.
“I went to Roxane a few times for my neck/shoulder pains. Roxane is the best! Amazing at targeting my problem areas and relieving me of any pain I am feeling.
I Would highly recommend!”
From Shawn